Life Coaching


90-Day Journey to Joy Coaching Session

Being a business owner and entrepreneur can be all consuming. I had no idea how much more challenging life would become when I had children! If you are an entrepreneur or a business owner or a busy parent or feeling overwhelmed, I can help! I can teach you how to I triage the next best step and ask the right questions: How much help do I need? When am I supposed to have fun? When am I going to enjoy the money I am making?

If these questions resonate with you, I can help! I am living this busy life WITH Joy. My clients are typically successful business owners who want to talk to another entrepreneur who has trained herself to enjoy the journey. Schedule a free consult today!

Cost: $4995


Total Health Reset: Next Course TBD

Feeling tired, anxious or overwhelmed? Want to feel lighter, brighter and more energized?

Total Health Reset is an 8-week intensive to dive deeply into each area of life. Participants will experience of Joy in every area of life. We will have weekly zoom calls and 1-on-1 calls.


  • $1700 if paid in full upfront (includes two bonus coaching sessions with me!)

  • $2000 if split into two installments

"Jessica is truly a Joy Coach. She has helped me find the bright side of many seemingly negative things. I eagerly anticipate our sessions." – M.D.